Google Chromebook

Google who started off as an engine has now made it own laptop. the Google Chromebook is an affordable piece of equipment that does many similar functions as a laptop would. Unlike regular computers the Chromebook starts fast and continues to operate that way because the Chromebook updates on its own to maintain that perfect fast past. The computer turns on and off in a matter of a few seconds. The Google Chromebook allows you to be able to access any information you would save to your gmail your Google drive and allows you to take work where ever you may be. Its affordable  efficient and works well in many cases.Chromebooks had the largest number of sales on amazon this past holiday season. I personally live in a house hold has has two Chromebooks and i love it ! Google has made an efficient laptop that allows you to do anything a regular laptop would,just at a lower cost. the Chromebook does need access to the internet but the odds of being on a laptop without using the internet is slim.The Chromebook is extremely portable and is east to use.,2817,2413771,00.asp

Google Search Tools

Google had many search tools. These tools allow us to do much more then just browse around the internet and search things. The search tools have many aspects that have made Google a topped ranked search engine. The web is the search tool that allows you to look anything up by simply typing in key words. There also is search tool for the news which provides any news updates that would be easy to assess for knew users. Images can vary from any celebrity picture ever taken to peoples Facebook profiles. Google has access to also every picture to ever be posted on the internet .Google videos allows you to search videos just as you would when using YouTube. Google maps can allow you to get detailed images to where you are going. Google maps can show you the image of  your own house. With all this send about the search tools i truly believe all the search tools are extremely helpful and allow you to get the full experience when using Google.

Google basics

Google is a search engine. Google’s mission is to have the worlds information organized and to allow it to be accessible and useful. There are filters that allow you to narrow the search when using Google. Google also ranks pages that would allow you to notice all the top searches and most useful websites.Google is a search engine that has many different navigation that allows its users to benefit more then just a search. Google allows its users to have access to many other sites that are on the search engine. When using Google your search would be minimized and the results will be placed in most popular. Google now has many apps and navigation that my be useful such as Gmail. The university i attend uses Gmail and i find it very useful. Google drive is amazing. anything you have on there can be opened up on any computer but Simply just logging in and it automatically saves.

How Google Generates Revenue

Have you ever asked yourself how Google generates revenue, well here your answer. Google which started as a search engine has now been established to be a topped ranked search engine and has generated over 150 products. That’s crazy right wait till you hear this! Google generates most of their revenue by delivering relevant, cost-effective online advertising. By just simply providing other websites to have their site posted by Google, Google is making an unspeakable amount of money. The more you search thing off Google the more profit the company is generating. Now imagine getting paid for every time someone has a question to ask on Google, think about the amount of times you go on your phone and say ill look it up. By people just searching things online Google is growing. There are many streams through which Google generates revenue rather then just the websites they also receive revenue from there phones, apps and also the other products such as the Chromebook ect. Google’s revenue just continues to grow as they invite more technology that people are waiting for.

First self driven car !

Google 300,000 miles, Lexus self-driving car

Google has created the first self driven car. Yes we have heard of many things cars can do on their own such as turn on by a push of a button, park on its own ect. But this is the first that you will hear of a car that can drive its self. yes you are hearing right the Google car can drive on its own it no longer needs you to do every move and lane switch you want to make. The Google car has driven a stunning 300000 miles with no reported accidents.This car can be your personal chauffeur that can drive you to any location that you please. There are blind spot detection and alerts that allow the car to know if its safe to swerve but you also cant be napping while the car is driving because encase of there being the possibility that you may need to take over.

Perks working for Google

google employee office

Google workers are provided with great office space and are reported to be treated very well. There seem to be many perks to working for Google such as the free gourmet food and snacks.They get free meals and are well feed throughout the day. A person in the company said ”that the company is a great place to see, listen to, and meet with people who he grew up reading about” Google gives their workers the opportunity to meet with people they never imagined meeting in their life. They feel like they are living in the future because they get to experience all the new things and all the technology before it is released. The workers at the mountain location get a free ride to and from work. Both new  mothers and fathers get paid leave when having a new born. If a Googler passes away while being employed they have top life insurance payout, and the spouse would receive half of the Googler’s salary for the next 10 years. An additional $1000 is given each month for the children benefit.

Life at Google

Life with Google is an insist of the work that goes on in order for Google to continue to operate the way it is currently operating. Google wants to be the place that brought together smart, talented people  from different backgrounds. Google workers solve complex problems on a daily bases to keep their mission of to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible to our users applicable. Life with Google has many career opportunities such as creative technologist, advertising sales,automotive,global technical lead, account planner ext. The list of jobs is endless! Sources say that many workers enjoy their job as working for Google and the environment that they work in.

Top 10 Google products

Google who started small has now expanded to have over 150 products. It no longer is only a service but now is something many people depend on in their everyday lives. The top ten Google products are the blogger which is used to self publish items that you could place on Google which would allow many people to view your product or service.Google translate which allows anything to be translated into the language of your wishing.many people use Google translate for school, work and even their everyday needs.Google docs has allowed people to be able to save their work differently and be able to access it at any time.People use Google in many cases when advertising because Google has a great viewing rate that could potentially make a huge difference with your marketing. Google chrome which allows information to be searched at a much faster speed.One of Google’s best acquisitions to date is YouTube . YouTube streams about 4 billion videos online each day. Android which Google created is competing with one of the strongest competitors apple. Google maps which allows people to have full access of information of roads and maps. Google maps allows people to get places without getting lost and is always updated. Lastly Gmail has allowed people to see a different view of emailing .Gmail allows you to have unlimited storage which leads to you never having to delete and email.

What Google is worth

As you read this your probably thinking how much could Google possibly be worth, ten million, 50 million, a billion. Well i am writing to you to tell you that Google is estimated to be worth a whopping $ 78,650,521,400. As you look at the number you are probably in shock buts its true what started off as two guys just coming up with a search engine has lead them to be billionaires. The reason Google is worth so much is due to the people that rely on Google in their every day lives. Any question that i may have my response is simply wait lets Google it. Think of every assignment you have ever done, i could bet that Google was part of your search.  You may not use Google but it is said that it is estimated that Google  processes over 40,000 search’s every second on average  which means that over 3.5 billion searches a day are being processed.

How Google got started!

In 1995 the founders of google Larry Page and Sergey Brin meet at Stanford. In 1996 Larry and Sergey begin a search engine called BackRub. This search engine operated for over a year but was taken down due to taking too much bandwidth. In 1997 was registered on September 15th. Google was started as a search engine and now has become much more. The search engine has expanded to become one of the largest search engines in the world. In 1998 google friends newsletters was created to keep companies updated with new information. In 1999 they moved into a real office and hired their first chef that would help with the growth of the search engine. Throughout the years they began added many more links to google which made it more than just a search engine. In 2005 google maps went live, google maps allowed people to be able to access maps that would work live with them. In 2007 google was announced the best company to work for. In 2009 they get on twitter and also introduce voice search on android and google voice was produced which improves the way your phone works. In 2011 Google Art Project allowed you to virtually tour some the world’s best museums. In 2012 google joined thousands of other websites. Google has been at a constant growth and will continue to grow.