Perks working for Google

google employee office

Google workers are provided with great office space and are reported to be treated very well. There seem to be many perks to working for Google such as the free gourmet food and snacks.They get free meals and are well feed throughout the day. A person in the company said ”that the company is a great place to see, listen to, and meet with people who he grew up reading about” Google gives their workers the opportunity to meet with people they never imagined meeting in their life. They feel like they are living in the future because they get to experience all the new things and all the technology before it is released. The workers at the mountain location get a free ride to and from work. Both new  mothers and fathers get paid leave when having a new born. If a Googler passes away while being employed they have top life insurance payout, and the spouse would receive half of the Googler’s salary for the next 10 years. An additional $1000 is given each month for the children benefit.

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